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Guided Postpartum Meditation: Returning to Sleep

 Christine Cullingworth Profile Photo
Instructor Christine Cullingworth | Updated on Aug 9, 2023

Welcome to this 10-minute guided meditation designed to help new mothers find restful sleep during postpartum. If you are a new mother, you know how important sleep is for your physical and mental health, but sometimes it can be challenging to get back to sleep after waking up to feed your baby or due to general restlessness. This meditation is here to help you relax and fall back asleep. During this meditation, we will be using body scan techniques as well as inner reflection to help you find a sense of calm and ease in your body and mind. Find a comfortable position in your bed and take a deep breath. We hope you find peace and rest with this meditation.

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Guided Postpartum Meditation: Returning to Sleep

 Christine Cullingworth Profile Photo
Instructor Christine Cullingworth | Updated on Aug 9, 2023

Welcome to this 10-minute guided meditation designed to help new mothers find restful sleep during postpartum. If you are a new mother, you know how important sleep is for your physical and mental health, but sometimes it can be challenging to get back to sleep after waking up to feed your baby or due to general restlessness. This meditation is here to help you relax and fall back asleep. During this meditation, we will be using body scan techniques as well as inner reflection to help you find a sense of calm and ease in your body and mind. Find a comfortable position in your bed and take a deep breath. We hope you find peace and rest with this meditation.

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